Whistler Champion of Arts & Culture - Business, presented by Arts Whistler

2024 Whistler Excellence Awards presented by BlueShore Financial | Whistler Chamber of Commerce


This award recognizes individuals, organizations, artists, and local businesses who have contributed significantly to the development of arts and culture in Whistler. For the 2024 Whistler Excellence Awards the recipient will be a business or organization.


For the 2024 Whistler Excellence Awards, the recipient will be a Business

An eligible candidate must suit the criteria below:

  • A Business based in Whistler of any size which have supported local arts, culture and heritage (ACH) events and programs through sponsorship, volunteerism, donated professional services or products or a link with marketing or public relations campaigns.
  • An Arts related business that demonstrate support for the arts above and beyond the basic commercial benefits through advocacy, services and/or events, relative to the size of their business.
  • A business, organization, or business leader who demonstrates exceptional leadership, creative vision, and commitment in encouraging and developing partnerships between business and the arts.